No sunday is right without snacks. hehe... And of course India will not be India without Hindi movies. Haha I have influenced the guys to buy some dvds to watch with me cos they have started jigging to the Bollywood music.
Birthday girl (one of the interns) and her cake. This is MY office. It's in between three malls. BUT I do not go out of the building, so there is no lunchtime shopping for me :( Evidence of the need for infrastructure, these are the roads (or pavements) that people walk on from mall to mall. Other forms of transport, alternatives to cars. Of course, at times you will see an abandoned animal (cow this time) from time to time on the streets.
The remains of the snack boxes that keep me sane and happy. Veg fastfood cooked by our house assistants. For a moment I took a bite of it and thought it was fish. Then I realised the patty was stuffed with potatoes. haha... meat-crazy... bah chor mee, prawn noodles, salted chicken, bbq stingray, sambal sotong, steamed fish, chicken rice.... Shopping at one of the nearby malls. Needed to do some grocery shopping and in dire need of a swimming costume. The huge influx of the mall is due to the popularity of the supermarket called Spencer's. It's supposed to have everything a household needs. Obviously a household does not need swimwear, that's why there were no swimming costumes in sight! Oh well, at least the three boys looked happy to have reached an ORGANISED supermarket that has neat rows of food that has been classified to look like Carrefour. Some happy happy shopping! - Came back with some dvds and books.
Here's a music video that has got all of us dancing away. Haha. It means "Salute my Love". Enjoy it :)
hey goddess! i love reading your blog and seeing more of europe! how's u n weiming? i cant help but break into a grin everytime i read your blog. u sure know how to brighten up a rainy day!
you're in india already, my dear! can't believe i've been so ill-informed :(
miss you lotslotslotslots, i'll be checking back here loads so keep them pictures coming ok?
<3 celest
hey goddess! i love reading your blog and seeing more of europe! how's u n weiming? i cant help but break into a grin everytime i read your blog. u sure know how to brighten up a rainy day!
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