Ventured into Delhi City to meet the Tata interns. had KFC for lunch and watched a Hindi movie at the above movie theatre. it really is a grand affair for them. Bomb checks, Marble floored toilets, cool chairs that can slide so you can lie down to watch the movie. It costs 175 Ruppees for a ticket during the weekend. Very affordable if you ask me :)
Cute little public taxis which I doubt I will be able to withstand during the 1.5 hr drive to Delhi.
Dont know why, but I like this picture. It calls out to me. Love the pillars and rustic feel. It stands out against the rest of Delhi.
A typical scene from Delhi. Make sure to note that this is the modern Delhi. When and if I do make a trip down to Old Delhi I will put up photos to contrast the two. Qiqi- Orientation Group buddy.
With backdrop of Delhi in the background. Bertrand and I finally found our way into the inner city radius to meet the rest. Our driver seemed clueless on how to get to our destination.
With Yinna inside the bakery. Trigger happy - Singaporeans... Tsk tsk
Some of the cakes on display. One thng I realised is that Indian food has loads of sweet stuff for desserts. (Mummy! your favourite!)
Definately looking happy with our purchases. The Bharti interns (Bertrand and I) bought 13 pieces of pastries! To eat for the weekend :)